2024 Astrology Nuggets

Photo by Vedrana Filipović on Unsplash Edited by Daniel Cruz


Love: Prepare for an emotional rollercoaster as you embrace the process initiated by Saturn of letting go, especially in matters of the heart. This year promises passionate rekindling and profound insights into love, perhaps even connections of twin-flames from past lives! With the North Node in Aries, it’s your time to redefine and reinvent yourself, magnetically drawing your soulmate closer.

Finances and Career: Brace for a financial renaissance. Jupiter, the harbinger of luck, blesses your wallet until May. Post-June, anticipate a surge in business prospects and an influx of lucrative contracts. The latter half of 2024 is your golden era for marketing and sales triumphs.

Family: While 2025 will be your family-centric year, 2024 offers a chance to mend and fortify bonds with neighbors and kin, especially post-midyear. However, April may test your familial ties with a whirlwind of misunderstandings and challenges.


Love: After a tumultuous period, the tide is turning in your favor. The first part of 2024 marks a rejuvenation of love and connection, opening doors to new romantic chapters.

Finances and Career: Ride the wave of opportunity that knocks only once every 12 years. The first half of the year is ripe with potential, and from June onwards, prepare for a financial flourish that aligns with your talents and hard-earned recognition.

Family: Tread cautiously from late July to mid-September; home and family dynamics may be delicate. Mystical experiences await, potentially reuniting you with souls from your past lives.


Love: This year, the universe nudges you towards deepening friendships and engaging in humanitarian efforts. Romance takes a backseat as you find joy in new friendships, some with ties to past lives. If love does beckon, harness the power of creative visualization for miraculous outcomes.

Finances and Career: As Jupiter enters Gemini for the first time in 12 years, expect a tidal wave of success and financial gain, especially in mid-2025. A prime year for investing in dreams and long-term ambitions.

Family: Real estate matters flourish later in the year, but familial relationships, particularly with female members, might be strained initially. It’s a year of navigating through criticism and seeking acceptance.


Love: Transitioning from a lackluster phase, Venus allies with you, potentially turning friendships into romantic escapades in early 2024.

Finances and Career: This year marks a career zenith, possibly the best in decades, teeming with opportunities and prosperity. Initiative is your key to success.

Family: For Cancerians, family usually reigns supreme, but 2024 urges a shift in focus towards career aspirations. Balancing home and work is crucial, as one tends to influence the other significantly.


Love: As the zodiac’s heartthrob, expect romantic sparks in your professional sphere. Love may also bloom in foreign lands or during travel adventures.

Finances and Career: The first half of 2024 beams with financial and career prospects, courtesy of a rare cosmic alignment. The latter half might present enticing opportunities through friends or new career paths.

Family: Family and real estate matters, which have been challenging, are set to improve. However, August calls for caution in family interactions and financial decisions.


Love: This year holds promise for relationships, especially with those older or from past lives. Saturn’s influence demands attention to significant relationships, leading to profound commitments or necessary partings.

Finances and Career: Business partnerships require vigilance to avoid conflicts or legal tangles. Collaborations and joint ventures, particularly in artistic or financial realms, are favored. Expect windfalls from investments or inheritances.

Family: Familial relations, especially with in-laws, are poised for improvement. Career advancements can positively impact family life, particularly from mid-year onwards.


Love: 2024 is a transformative year, asking you to balance self-care with partnership responsibilities. It’s a time to discover yourself within relationships, and possibly, to meet a once-in-19-years twin flame connection.

Finances and Career: Careers in healthcare or service flourish. Eclipses in March/April and September/October open new professional doors. The first half of the year may also bring financial gains through partners.

Family: Be prepared to support a family member facing health challenges, which might impact your work schedule.


Love: Love may feel challenging as Saturn reshapes your romantic life. Embracing joy, hobbies, and laughter can elevate your chances of romantic encounters, especially in early 2024. The latter half promises an intensification of romance.

Finances and Career: A period of expansion awaits, particularly in careers that contribute to societal welfare. This once-in-19-years phase brings abundant opportunities.

Family: Pluto, your ruler, initiates a 20-year transformation in your domestic life. Expect major changes like relocation, renovation, or family expansions, but also be mindful of potential upheavals or losses.


Love: 2024 is your year to bask in love, with the North Node highlighting romance and joy. It’s a time to heal past heartaches and embrace creative passions. The latter half of the year may elevate existing relationships or spark new ones.

Finances and Career: Early 2024 brings professional advancements, health improvements, and possible monetary bonuses. The second half is opportune for forming business partnerships and legal safeguards.

Family: Saturn’s presence indicates a time to address ancestral karma and intergenerational issues. It’s an ideal period for relocation, parenting, or mending family bonds.


Love: The year’s first half offers a rare chance for romantic developments or deepening current relationships. Engage in activities you love to attract similar energies.

Finances and Career: Post-midyear, anticipate career recognition and possible promotions. However, focus on family and domestic matters, as they are central this year. Be prepared for potential contract issues at work.

Family: A significant year for real estate investments or family healing. Be ready to support or address concerns involving siblings or extended family members.


Love: As Pluto enters Aquarius, expect transformative shifts in self-expression and relationships. This year is about deep soul-searching and significant changes in your love life. From June, the tides turn favorably for romance, joy, and family expansions.

Finances and Career: Financial and self-worth challenges arise as Saturn scrutinizes your income sources. Embrace planning, strategy, and perseverance for financial growth.

Family: The first half of 2024 favors real estate dealings and strengthening familial connections, especially with siblings and extended family.


Love: Saturn’s visit urges you to mature and make long-term decisions in love. While it may be challenging to start new relationships, connections from past lives could re-emerge. Use creative visualization to manifest your desired romantic future.

Finances and Career: Financial blessings are on the horizon, with new projects and income sources emerging. It’s an auspicious time to spotlight your talents.

Family: Early 2024 brings positive developments with siblings and relatives. The latter half is ideal for relocation, property investments, parenting, and familial healing.

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Gahl Sasson makes Kabbalah, astrology and psychology engaging, illuminating, and fun. The way he sees Kabbalah is accessible to anyone from any faith and background.



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