April Astrological Highlights

Photo by Joshua Sortino

The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year.

Mark Twain

Welcome to April! The name of the month April comes from the Latin word aperire, meaning ‘to open.’ It is the first month that fully takes place during the spring, the seasons when Mother Nature’s abundance is open for business again. In the Jewish calendar, taking its cue from the older Babylonian and Sumerian, the lunar month of Nisan mostly falls on April and takes its name from the Sumerian nisag which means “first fruits.”

In Kabbalah we are told that Nisan, shares the same root as Nes, which means a miracle. It also means a flag, staff, or a banner, the one we carry at the head of the parade or expedition, very much like countries carry as they march in the opening ceremony of the Olympics, or at the head of a marching legion. The Nes, the banner, signified identity – Here we are! Precisely the qualities of Aries, which is the month of Nisan, the sign of identity, liberation, and war. No wonder during the month of Nisan we celebrate the Jewish tales of the miraculous events of the Exodus as well as the Christian stories of the resurrecting Christ.

This April promises to be a very interesting month indeed. On the first day of April, April’s Fool, we also have the New Moon in Aries, the first day of the month of Nisan. It is a great sign that the first day of the Lunar month of Nisan, is synched to the first day of the solar month of April. Well, sounds to me like we are open (April) to miracles (Nisan). The month ends with a powerful partial Solar eclipse in Taurus (April 30) that will quicken events in our lives that relates to our talents, finance, self-worth, and values.

Let’s take a closer look at the dates of this special month that can help us make magic happen, liberate us from our bondage, and help resurrect our true potential.

April 1: Fool’s Day and a New Moon in Aries

Happy New Biblical Year! It is an intriguing synchronicity, if you open Exodus and read the first sentence in chapter 12 (the number of the zodiac signs and months of the year) you will find God instructing Moses that the newly formed nation should start the year of the New Moon in Aries. I have no idea how the Rabbis allowed themselves to go against God’s “direct” command to start the year in Aries and shifted it to the Babylonian civilian new year which later became Rosh Hashanah, celebrated on the New Moon in the opposite sign of Libra.

Since the New Moon in Aries falls on April 1st it is the best day of the year to reboot your New Year’s Resolution or start a new one. Maybe by now you need a new goal, a new wish to fulfill. Spring into action and accept the call for adventure. In addition, today is April’s Fool, a day that celebrates the Greenman, the masculine consort of Mother Nature. Yes, God has a Goddess and Mamma Nature her Greenman. I do hope it brings some good news to the most popular green man these days, and I’m talking about Mr. Zelenskyy, who not only wears a green shirt but whose name means green.

April’s Fool is a day that welcomes pranks, but since we have been living in a decade of yearlong disinformation campaigns and Q Anon conspiracy theories, I suggest you can honor the tradition of listening to lies and pranks of April’s Fool by turning in to the fools on RT (from Russia with love) or if you feel patriotic, you can check out Fox and Friends or maybe the Tucker Carlson Show to listen to alternative lies.

The Sabian Symbol for the New Moon is “A flock of wild geese.” Hmm, that’s kind of strange. Maybe someone is going on a wild goose chase? Or maybe something giving us goosebumps? In Native American tradition, geese symbolize abundance, wisdom, marriage, and gullibility. Sounds like a typical Bridgerton plotline to me.

April 2: Sun conjunct Mercury and Chiron

A great deal of healing is taking place today. Perhaps a meeting with a shaman, therapist, and teacher; a wise mentor might give you a powerful message that can push you towards a new path. You are embracing the identity of a teacher, consultant, or wise mentor. Great day for business, putting seeds in the ground, a new writing project.

April 5 – May 2: Venus in Pisces, her sign of exaltation

Once a year for a few weeks, Venus, the planet of relationships, finance, and art travels through Pisces, her sign of exaltation. This is the best time of the year for finding a partner, reconnecting to a talent, a boost in income or self-worth. Indeed, it is a perfect opening for the month of openings. If you have a partner, you will find it easier to get along and some healing might take place. The peak of this wonderful transit falls on the first Solar Eclipse of the year April 28-May 1 when Venus will conjunct Jupiter and Neptune.   

April 11 – April 29: Mercury in Taurus

This transit of the messenger of the gods in Mother Nature’s sign is good for placing extra attention to balancing your finance, as well as getting insights into your businesses, creativity, and values. It is a time to communicate what you believe in and what you hold as sacred. The Tarot card “5 of Disks” is associated with Mercury in Taurus and is called “Worry.” Be careful not to fret about things you have no control over. Try to be more intellectually flexible. On April 11 I am leading the “What’s your Story?” workshop – find a better way to story-tell your life (recording available).

April 10 – April 14: Sun conjunct Minerva

The goddess of just war and justice is in conjunction with the Sun, shining and helping all those who fight a just war around the world. Minerva is also the goddess of wisdom, and she will help you formulate a stratagem to win a battle or two in your life. On April 14, a day before Passover and three days before Easter, I am teaching a workshop on the spiritual meaning of Passover and Easter. Recording available.   

April 15 – May 24: Mars in Pisces

Mars represents action and passion while Pisces is the sea, intuition, imagination, and movement. Great for activities in or around water. A wonderful time to start martial arts or yoga, stretching. Be careful of dependency and codependency. Tantric sexuality is all around you. Happy Passover and Last Supper! This Full Moon is a gateway to freedom, use it to liberate yourself from any bondage you experience in your life.

April 15: Lilith enters Cancer until Jan 7, 2023

The Mother of Demons is changing signs. This can cause a great deal of drama within the family for the rest of the year. If you have any family skeletons, ancestral karma, intergenerational transference, they will all come to the surface. This aspect can cause a great deal of insecurities and childhood traumas to manifest so you can heal them. Mother figures (bosses or friends) might act out and project many negativities and insecurities. You may experience dramatic mood swings.

April 15-16: Full Moon in Libra

This is a powerful lunation associated with Passover which of course was the Last Supper of Christ. It is considered to be the Full Moon of liberation. You experience your own exodus from a place of confinement and bondage into your Promised Land. You might feel a push and pull between your needs and that of a partner. Sabian Symbol: An airplane hovering overhead.

April 17 and 18: Mercury conjunct Uranus

Happy Easter! Today is your resurrection. Your higher self is nurturing your ego today as you come out of your cave and see the light. Since Mercury and Uranus are uniting, brilliance is in the air. Your IQ has just (temporarily) risen 10 points. Laughter, crazy new ideas and innovations are all around you. A meeting with a unique and original person or situation is forecast.

April 20: Sun transits into Taurus

Farewell Aries and Mars, hello Taurus and Venus. From war to pleasure, from conflict to peace. Find out what Taurus is all about in this monthly zodiac webinar. Today’s zoom meeting will cover how to get along with Taurus. Recording available.

April 21: Saturn square North Node

This karmic aspect could be a little challenging as you might have to deal with unpleasantness that results from past lifetimes connected with friendships, government, your position within your company or finance.  

April 22: Earth Day

Happy Earth Day! The third day of Taurus, the Fixed Earth sign, is also the day we dedicate to Mamma Earth. Plant a tree, go on a hike, enjoy her while we or she lasts…

April 24: Mercury Conjunct North Node

Mercury is riding the dragon in the air and that means good energy coming your way from past lifetimes, meeting like-minded people, or joining a new group.

April 27: Venus, Moon, Jupiter, and Neptune conjunct in Pisces

 This is a wonderful treat. It can make magic happen in relationships and artistic endeavors. Your dreams are very powerful and prophetic. Avoid encounters with addictive personalities and make sure you enforce boundaries with lovers. Be careful of deception in partnerships.

April 29: Mercury in Gemini until May 22 and again from June 14 – July 4

This is a far better placement for the messenger of the gods and goddesses. Mercury moves things along faster now: messages, ideas, communication, innovation, clever ideas, connections, contracts, relationships with siblings and relatives and your business could all benefit from this transit. Since he will retrograde from May 10 – June 3, he will go back and forth between Taurus and Gemini.

April 29 – Oct 9: Pluto retrograde

That’s it, the non-retro season is done. First to go backward is Pluto the Lord of transformation, death, and power. Be a little more cautious with investments, extra-marital affairs, and secrets that could be revealed. We also entered Mercury retro shadow so there could be some glitches starting already.   

April 30: New Moon in Taurus – Solar Eclipse

This is an exalted New Moon and a Solar Eclipse. The Moon in Taurus signifies success, expression through art and design, connection to Mother Nature, and a boost in your income. In addition, it is a partial solar eclipse suggesting that things are getting a push forward in your life, for good and bad.  

April 30: Venus and Jupiter conjunct

This is called the aspect of luck! Go hunt synchronicities. A great potential for a new love (as it is a new moon), meetings with people you might have known in past lives. Any form of study and or creation is favored. Benevolent relationships and encounter with helpful people. A great way to end a powerful month of many new beginnings!

I wish you a grand opening and joy in the month of Passover, Easter, and Mother Nature!

5 thoughts on “April Astrological Highlights

  1. Amazing!!!! Thank you so much Gahl for all the work you do to bring Light and hope to the world. Much love, Yvonne Buischi

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