October Astro Highlights

Photo by Maddi Bazzocco on Unsplash

As the leaves turn and October arrives, get ready for an exciting eclipse season (Oct 14 and 28). But before diving into the month ahead, I have some electrifying news: my book on the Astrology of 2024 is available for preorders! Please follow the link to order your copy: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CK4DRJCD

This comprehensive astrological guide provides a detailed roadmap to navigate the year 2024, offering a month-by-month breakdown of significant astrological events and their potential impacts on various aspects of life as well as a detailed forecast for each sign. The book is scheduled for release on October 13, the New Moon in Libra, a day before the Solar eclipse – a time of new beginnings and powerful transformations. 

Preorder your copy today at Amazon and get ready to harness the cosmic influences of 2024 to your advantage.

The Astrology of 2024 is more than just a book; it’s a celestial compass guiding you through the year 2024. Whether you’re interested in personal growth, professional success, or understanding the world around you on a deeper level, The Astrology of 2024 is a must-have guide for the year ahead.

On Oct 13 at 6 pm PST, you are invited to a free webinar book launch and talk on how to navigate the eclipses (recording available). On the Lunar Eclipse, Oct 28, at 6 pm PST, I will be leading a past lifetime regression webinar right before Halloween, when the veils between past lives are the thinnest. Register HERE 

And don’t forget, with the holiday season just around the corner, The Astrology of 2024 makes a great gift for family and friends. Help spread the word! Share this email with your family and friends and let them know about this exciting opportunity to preorder “The Astrology of 2024.”

  • October 1 – 4 (Sun conjunct Minerva): Pallas Athena or Minerva is the goddess of wisdom and justice, as well as strategy and just war and in the next few days she forms a conjunct with the Sun in Libra, the sign of justice. This is a wonderful time to get mental clarity and better understanding of issues prevalent in your life. Help her spread wisdom and justice!
  • October 2 (Mercury opposes Neptune): The two planets of communication, Mercury (mundane) and Neptune (divine), are fighting over us. It can be a confusing day with contradicting messages, deception, illusions, and cognitive dissonance. Avoid making important decisions.
  • October 3 (Mercury trines Pluto): a deep sense of clarity is replacing the foggy mind of the first two days of October. There is a fantastic grand trine forming between Mercury, Pluto, and Uranus
    with the Moon. This aspect provides protection and a strong sense of direction and luck.
  • October 3 (Lilith enters Virgo until June 29, 2024): Lilith might make you feel inadequate as if you are not enough, forcing you to judge, criticize, and feel like a worm. Make sure you lower the volume of these voices and don’t take disapprovals personally. 
  • October 3 – 6 (Mars conjunct South Node): Watch for injuries and accidents, cuts or sharp objects. Be extra aware if you are prone to anger. It is a time to be less martial and more peaceful.
  • October 5 (Mercury enters Libra until October 22): Justice, law and fairness, reason, improved communication with your partners. Great for marketing your talents and artistic abilities.
  • October 8 – 10 (Mars squares Pluto): The two rulers of Scorpio are locked in battle. You might be forced into action you would later regret. Stay away from power struggles and choose your battles wisely.
  • October 9 (Venus conjunct Lilith): This can be a bit taxing on your primary relationships. A terrible day to propose, get married or promote your art. It is as if the uninvited witch is coming to your party to curse you for shunning her. Stay away from slander and gossip as it can boomerang right away.
  • October 9 (Venus enters Virgo until November 8): Venus is in her sign of fall and will remind you of that constantly. She is asked to take off her makeup, her colorful dress and wear a nun’s black and white uniform. Be aware that you will have the propensity to criticize yourself and others, have a general feeling of lack of satisfaction. It is a great time for couple’s therapy, as well as editing your projects. Watch your kidneys, thyroid, and ovaries.
  • October 9 – 10 (Venus squares Saturn): This can be hard on your primary relationships in life or at work. Especially challenging are relationships with people older than you or with superiors. You might feel a creative block as well. Venus in her sign of fall makes it harder as she criticizes everything and everyone around, so try not to do the same to yourself or others.
  • October 10 – 11 (Pluto stationary): On these two days pretend to be dead so the bear can pass by without mowing you. Seriously, it is a difficult two days where the Angel of Death is hovering around.
  • October 12 (Pluto direct): Investments, inheritance and all forms of healing are returning to some stability.
  • October 12 (Mars enters Scorpio until November 24): Mars returns to his home and feels good. This is a period of heightened passion, sexual connections, transformations, healing and retrieving your energy level. This transit of Mars can make people bold and fearless which is not always a good thing.
  • October 12 (Saturn opposes Lilith): With Mars also moving into Scorpio, be extra careful today. There is a feeling that everyone is your enemy or ganging up against you. It is a celestial spell and will fade away soon. 
  • October 12 – 14 (Mars trines Saturn): Mars, the warrior, is well trained by Saturn, and together they can help you move mountain ranges and continents. Great for work, health, long-term projects that need a great deal of pushing and strategy.
  • October 13 (Book Launch): Join the free webinar on the eclipses and my 2024 book. Link to join: HERE
  • October 14 (New Moon in Libra): The scales of Maat are balanced, on this annular Solar Eclipse, and the feather of truth is there for you to use to ink your truth. With the help of the trine to Saturn and the sextile to Venus, this lunation presents an opportunity to start something new (business or romantic). If you are single, this is a great time for some Moon Magic (see section below) and summon your partner. An auspicious day to start a new design project or seek justice if you were wronged. The eclipse quickens whatever is going on with your current relationships for good or bad, bringing things to resolution.  
  • October 15 (Live Insta with Laura Day): On 9am PST, 12pmET, 5pm London, 6pm CET, Live Insta with Laura Day about my book and the year ahead. Join us HERE
  • October 19 – 21 (Sun conjuncts Mercury): Once again, the messenger unites with the message. This is the superior conjunction of Mercury, which means the Sun stands between us and the messenger. This is a good time to discover your true calling in life, or at least for the year ahead. There is clarity of mind, reason, logic, mixed with justice and law.
  • October 21 (Sun squares Pluto): If you shoot the king, you better hit the mark, otherwise Pluto will be all over you. Avoid initiating big projects and be mindful of who you tell your secrets.
  • October 22 (Mercury enters Scorpio until November 10): Mercury goes underground or into the afterlife. You will see your healing abilities, mediumship, channeling, and connection to the beyond improve. Mercury in Scorpio can be a bit secretive and have a hidden agenda. 
  • October 22 (Neptune sextiles Moon and Pluto; Venus trines Jupiter; Sun and Mercury trine Saturn): Anyway you look at this there is a great deal of celestial chatter going on. Most is very auspicious and fortunate. Lot’s of doors, big and small, are opening. Just be careful not to overdo, commit to too many engagements or spread yourself thin. But overall, this is a great day to manifest your wishes and make dreams a reality.
  • October 23 (Sun enters Scorpio): For the next 30 days we are all Scorpios. Pay attention to what drives you, your passions, what would you like to transform in your life, how is your intimacy with your significant others. This is a good month for magic, healing, therapy, helping others tap into their talents and resources as well as get messages from the afterlife or previous lives.
  • October 27- 29 (Mars opposes Jupiter): Too much, too fast, too hard. There is enhanced aggression, possessiveness, and jealousy. This is all happening in Scorpio therefore we might all feel as if we are a triple Scorpio for a few days.
  • October 28 (Full Moon in Taurus): This is a powerful partial Lunar Eclipse. Since the Moon is in Taurus she is exalted and can pit your needs versus your partner’s wants. The smell of death and sudden change is in the air so please be careful. Werewolves, vampires, and the creatures of the night are lurking in the shadows. Join my past lifetime regression webinar today, the most powerful time in the year to visit your previous lives. Register HERE
  • October 28 – 30 (Mercury conjunct Mars): This is the espionage aspect. A bit of paranoia as both Mars and Mercury are in Scorpio. It is a good time to come clean, confess, or go through deep therapy. A good time for big productions or joint artistic and financial collaborations. Another Live Insta with Laura Day at 9am PST, 12pmET, 5pm London, 6pm CET, we discuss my book and the year ahead as well as today eclipse. Join us HERE
  • October 31 (Venus trines Uranus): What a treat for Halloween’s treat-or-tricks. Today is the Celtic New Year and the veils between the living and the dead, between this lifetime and past, are thin. Venus ensures we will meet interesting and unique individuals, or at least come up with new ways to use our talents.            

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Gahl Sasson makes Kabbalah, astrology and psychology engaging, illuminating, and fun. The way he sees Kabbalah is accessible to anyone from any faith and background.



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