Foundation - Exercise 7, Day 7

Monitor the way you say goodbye when you leave the house or the office. These everyday incidents symbolize our little deaths. Often the way we bid farewell to people, places, and situations molds the quality of our future interactions with them. The Tibetans believe that the way we die shapes our future reincarnation. If we perish traumatically, then our next reincarnation will probably be inundated with anxiety. Look at how you say goodbye at a party, before a trip, at work, or at home. Is that the energy you want people to remember?

Example: A man who traveled often for work always fought with his wife before he left on business. Then, on the plane, it felt good to be away from her. Fighting made it easier to say goodbye. When he changed how he left, it became harder to say goodbye and he felt sad on the plane. He then realized that he often parted with his business partners in the same manner. By changing his good-byes, both his business relationships and his home life improved dramatically.

Foundation Exercises

Gahl Sasson makes Kabbalah, astrology and psychology engaging, illuminating, and fun. The way he sees Kabbalah is accessible to anyone from any faith and background.

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