Astro Highlights – The Month of February

Photo by Emiliana Hall on Unsplash

Let’s look at the astrology of February, which is named after the Roman goddess of marriage and family, the month when we celebrate Valentine’s Day – a time we honor our romantic partners as well as close friendships. This year, one can argue, February starts on Jan 29, with the New Moon in 9 degrees Aquarius (Sabian Symbol: a popularity that proves ephemeral), and considering 2025’s numerology is 9, it is a fascinating indication that the Chinese New Year’s agrees with the shedding shadow processes of this year. After all, 9 is the number of deaths and resurrections, the same symbolism as the snake and the rest of the astrology of 2025. 

A few major events take place in the month ahead. The first is the slithering Wood Snake Year that starts on the New Moon in Aquarius, as stated above. The second is the Mean North Node is regressing into Pisces for the next year and a half, after being in Aries since July 2023. This means we are shifting gears from I AM – as in the politics of idenitity to I IMAGINE and the focus on faith, religion, imagination, poetry, intuition and empthy. The third is Mars finally going direct after he was dragged retrograding through the muddy Cancer, his sign of fall since Jan 6. This is great news, but alas, not for too long since on March 1, Venus goes retro, followed by Mercury on March 9. But on that in next month’s post.

January 28–29 (New Moon in Aquarius and Chinese New Year): Welcome to the Year of the Wood Snake. Jupiter is blessing this New Moon with wisdom and synchronicity. It’s a great time to start a study group. You might join a group or meet an individual who can expand your horizons.

January 29 (North Node retrogrades into Pisces until August 19, 2026): Right on the New Moon in Aquarius, the North Node, aka “Dragon,” retrogrades into the sign of mysticism, intuition, and imagination. For the next 18 months, we are asked to practice the positive qualities of Pisces: empathy, meditation, any form of trance, movement (yoga, dance, Pilates, martial arts), dreaming, poetry, imagination, and mystical experiences. At the same time, the South Node retrogrades in Virgo, asking us to let go of the overbearing qualities of Virgo such as criticism, perfectionism, and overanalyzing everything.

January 31–February 2 (Venus conjunct Neptune): A wonderful time for romance, art, and movement. Mysticism meets art. It’s a wonderful time to ask the Universe for help in matters of the heart. Be careful of extramarital affairs.

February 1–2 (Venus conjunct Neptune): Venus kisses her higher octave, Neptune, and we experience their grace through artistic expression, romance, and mystical allure.

February 3 (Mercury trine Jupiter): Left and right brain are in balance, philosophy and logic interact. It’s a great day for writing and conjuring pragmatic ideas. The two planets are in air signs, facilitating your communications, storytelling, sales, and connections with people (and pets) around us.

February 4 (Venus enters Aries until March 27): Venus is in her sign of exile, so she is not super thrilled. This can create conflict and strife with relationships and partners. Venus in Aries can make you feel a bit competitive with your partner, but she does favor action rather than words as expressions of love and devotion. Watch impulsiveness with your finances.

February 6–12 (Mars trine Saturn): What a treat! A weeklong of constructive action, stable effort, and sustained passion. This aspect can give you the endurance to complete a marathon or two. True, Mars is fallen and retrograde, but under the tutelage of Saturn and his leadership, the celestial soldier can fight your battles and bring about a few victories.

February 8–10 (Mercury conjunct Sun): Brilliance is in and around you. It’s a great day for crafting words, smithing ideas, brainstorming, and finding an agent or a messenger to deliver your messages. With Mars and Saturn on good terms, these ideas and businesses, contacts and contracts can bring results.

February 10–12 (Mercury square Uranus): This challenging aspect brings about disruptions, uncertainty, explosiveness, and idiocy. I call this the aspect of populism—much ado about nothing.

February 12 (Full Moon in Leo): You might feel the pull and push between the gravitational forces of your children or romantic partner versus demands of friends or your company. The square with Uranus can cause disruption and lunacy during this lunation.

February 14 (Mercury enters Pisces until March 3): Mercury enters his sign of fall. Communications can be a bit challenged while intuition and mediumship are on the rise. Trust your gut more than your brain. Make sure to use the words “I feel” or “I imagine” or “I believe” rather than “I think.”

February 18 (Sun enters Pisces until March 20’s Equinox): We are all Pisces for the next 30 days. Imagination, dance, movement, dreaming, meditation, intuition, mysticism, and empathy are heightened. Just make sure to guard your boundaries and avoid addictions or self-destructive tendencies.

February 19 (Kabbalah Workshop Begings) Unlock the Blueprint to Manifest Your Own Miracles. Join this 10-week workshop inspired by Gahl Sasson’s acclaimed book, A Wish Can Change Your Life, endorsed by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama. Discover the ancient wisdom of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life to manifest and maintain your New Year’s resolutions, using the magic of Kabbalah. 

February 20 (Mercury squares Jupiter): You might be forced into writing or saying things you would later regret, so be extra cautious. In addition, thieves and robbers are on the prowl.

February 23 (Mercury trine Mars): A great day for business, negotiations, and walking the talk. The messenger of the gods and goddesses is in action mode, with speedy delivery of messages and ideas. Make sure your words are backed by action.

February 25 (Mercury conjunct Saturn): A great day for pragmatic mystical work. Dreams can be prophetic, and visions, practical intuition, and deep meditations are favored. However, words carry a great deal of karma. Serious thoughts and deep learning. There could be good rapport with mature people or superiors.

February 28 (New Moon in Pisces): A great day to start something new that involves your imagination, photography, movement, yoga, and meditation. There is a tendency to absorb negativity from others, so watch what you take in. Since Jupiter is squaring the New Moon, there could be some conflict between reason and emotions. Be careful of overdoing or illusions.

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