September Astro Highlights
Photo by Blessing Ri on Unsplash
Hello from Los Angeles!
I posted a new webinar designed to help balance the four elements and become a bender of your strongest suit. The link to register is below, and if you sign in, please send me your date of birth info so I can analyze the elements of your chart before the webinar. The workshop is on the Equinox, Sep 22 at 12 pm PST (recording available). Link to register:
I just finished the edits and cover of my 2025 Astrology book – Shedding Shadows. If you know of any good PR or marketing folks who can help spread the word or publishers in different countries who might be interested please let me know!
Let’s dive into September:
We are entering the 9th month free of Mercury retrograde, which made August such a roller-coaster, but nevertheless, the month ahead brings about a great deal of changes. We have a Lunar eclipse falling right on the Harvest Full Moon (September 17), as well as the Equinox (Sep 22), not to mention Pluto, Lord of Death and Resurrection, moving into Capricorn for the last time in 250 years. To recap, Pluto first entered Capricorn in 2008, the year of the Great Recession, and the historic election of President Obama. Since Pluto will be in Capricorn until November 19, maybe the USA will benefit from another landmark election, and a female president could finally lead the Free World.
With Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto all retrograding this month, we can expect many twists and turns in global affairs, especially since these planets are considered social and influence historical events and large portions of humanity.
• September 1 – 2 (Uranus Stationary): The awakener is sounding the alarm. There’s a need for major revolutions and rebellions, but people feel stuck. Gadgets and electronics malfunction, processes reverse, mutinies arise, and directions change. Some people are re-evaluating their values.
• September 2 – 4 (Mars square Neptune): There might be a conflict between your ideals and actions. You want to act but feel blocked, tired, lazy, unappreciated, confused, and lost. There’s an element of passive-aggressiveness around you. You feel drained of energy. Consider spending time in or near water to help ease this challenging transit.
• September 2 (Pluto retrogrades into Capricorn for the last time until November 20): This is the final transit of the Lord of Death and Rebirth into the sign of tradition and conservative values. Typically, when a planet retrogrades into a sign for the last time, it bestows its gifts. In Capricorn’s case, Pluto might help us transform government structures and the financial system. After all, when Pluto first entered Capricorn, he heralded the Great Recession. Pluto is preparing Capricorn’s terrain to usher in the new age of Aquarius from the end of November.
• September 3, 2024 – February 1, 2025 (Uranus retrograde in Taurus): With Uranus retrograding in Mother Nature’s sign, challenges might arise in earth conservation efforts. Some may retreat from previous environmental commitments. Additionally, this retrograde could pose challenges for certain cryptocurrencies. In addition, there could be some financial challenges.
• September 3 (New Moon in Virgo): This is an ideal time to start something new, especially with Mercury now direct. It’s a favorable period to initiate a new work project, diet, or health regimen. This New Moon is about service and is suitable for detoxing and organizing your life. However, with the New Moon opposing Saturn, the energy may feel dense and slow-moving. Karma confronts you directly, but Virgo offers practical tools for handling it.
• September 4 (Mars enters Cancer until November 4): Mars, the warrior, feels out of place in the sign of compassion. Emotions aren’t the forte of hunters and fighters. This transit might spark conflicts with family or coworkers. But, by integrating emotions and intuition with actions, you can harness this period’s potential. It’s also a splendid time for physical activities near water, ice, or snow.
• September 4 (Venus conjunct Lilith): This transit hints at intrigue, manipulation, betrayal, gossip, and slander. Exercise caution and refrain from participating, especially if negativity targets you. Doubt what you hear today, especially if it casts someone in a negative light.
• September 6 – 7 (Mercury square Uranus): This is the “mad professor” aspect—brilliance that struggles to find practical application. Expect potential communication disruptions, electronic glitches, and misunderstandings with colleagues or government officials.
• September 7 – 8 (Sun opposite Saturn): What’s going on with September? With so many challenging aspects right after Mercury turned direct, it’s understandably frustrating. You’re not alone—the planets resonate with this sentiment. This aspect might prompt issues with authority figures or those older than you. There’s a noticeable lack of discipline and focus. Prioritize rest—either a full night’s sleep or a substantial nap.
• September 9 (Mercury in Virgo until September 26): Mercury returns to its exalted sign, facilitating smoother communication. It’s a superb time for editing, revisiting budgets, and advancing projects. Embrace clear, concise, and efficient communication. This period can yield significant work accomplishments and bring clarity to health concerns.
• September 11 – 13 (Sun squares Jupiter): Beware of going overboard. This aspect can inflate egos and promote excess. There’s a risk of seeming overly preachy or dogmatic. Exercise restraint in indulgence and consumption. Luckily, with Mercury and Mars harmoniously aligned, communication and action flow more smoothly. Walk your talk but do so with humility.
• September 14 – 15 (Venus trine Jupiter): These benevolent planets extend their assistance. Relationships might flourish, and opportunities for financial gain or artistic endeavors could emerge. It feels like justice and goodness are within reach.
• September 18 (Mercury opposite Saturn): Reflect deeply on your long-term aspirations, adjusting if necessary. Today, you or someone nearby might come across as stubborn or biased. Avoid disputes with colleagues or superiors.
• September 18 (Full Moon in Pisces): Welcome to the potent Harvest Full Moon, which is also a Partial Lunar Eclipse. Momentum builds towards closure, and aspects of life, including work and personal affairs, accelerate. Now’s the time to harvest the fruits of your labor from March/April. With Neptune opposing the Sun, remain vigilant against confusion and lethargy. Engage with nature or assist someone in your vicinity.
• September 19 – 20 (Sun trine Uranus): Just before the equinox, these days shine with intelligence, humor, and wit. It’s a conducive period for group brainstorming and collaborative creative endeavors.
• September 20 – 21 (Sun opposite Neptune): Your self-expression feels suppressed, leading to feelings of being undervalued. With blurred boundaries and heightened confusion, be particularly cautious about relapses into addictive behaviors. However, this phase can enhance intuition and insight. Abundant empathy is present but maintain your individuality. Fortunately, supportive aspects from the Sun and Pluto offer guidance through the fog. It’s a prime day for engaging with passions and collaborating with others on shared resources.
• September 22 – 23 (Venus square Pluto): Avoid manipulative behaviors and steer clear of individuals attempting emotional coercion. This time might intensify feelings of obsession, possessiveness, jealousy, and intrigue. Life may momentarily resemble a dramatic soap opera.
• September 22 (Sun enters Libra until October 22): Happy Solstice! Today, the masculine phase of the year gracefully transitions to its feminine counterpart. As one of the four sacred days in the astrological calendar, commemorate it by celebrating relationships, justice, beauty, and art. Over the next 30 days, everyone should embody Libra traits—diplomatic, balanced, eager to please, and attentive to partners. Today we are doing the Elemental Bender Webinar – Find your strongest element to help you fix the others based on your natal chart. To join, click HERE
• September 23 (Venus in Scorpio until October 17): Venus treads cautiously through Scorpio’s tumultuous waters. This transit might induce power dynamics and manipulation in close relationships. Guard against possessiveness and envy. On the upside, concentrate on leveraging your partner’s abilities, talents, and financial resources. This period amplifies sensuality, intimacy, and the drive for profound transformations.
• Sep 24 (Mercury trine Uranus): A favorable alignment for ingenious ideas, intellectual epiphanies, and newfound freedoms. It’s an apt time to modernize and enhance your tech devices.
• September 26 (Mercury trine Pluto): This influence strengthens communication, making it a productive phase for sales, marketing, and research.
• September 26 (Mercury in Libra until October 13): Mercury thrives in Libra, the domain of lawyers, diplomats, and designers. The coming weeks are prime for mending.