Astrological Highlights of May

Photo by Rahul Pandit on Unsplash
May – from Maia, the goddess of spring and the mom of Hermes (Mercury), ruler of Gemini, which begins in May.
But this month is blessed by two other gods—Mars and Venus. From April 30 to May 23, Venus graces her sign with her presence for the first time in 18 months, and just as you feel at home in your domicile, so does a planet. This could help with your finances, self-worth, feeling beautiful and artistic and far more grounded. It is a great time to indulge in your five senses and immerse yourself in your artistic talents. As you might know, Mars, the secret lover of Venus (I guess not that secret if we talk about it), is also returning to his home (Aries) after two years of campaigning around the Zodiac empire. He will do that right on May 1 and stay in Aries until June 8. This can bring about new beginnings (no significant retros in May), a turbo charge enthusiasm and call for action, and an ability to channel your power more constructively. In other words, May may bring about a great deal of balance and flow between your animus (Mars) and anima (Venus).
There are some dates I would like to point out. For Venus’ journey, pay extra attention to May 7 and 8 since the Moon would join the Taurus cluster that boasts Uranus (in Taurus once in 84 years), Jupiter (once in 12 years), the Sun (once a year), Venus (once in 18 months). That means 50% of the heavenly bodies would be in the fixed earth sign of Taurus, which is the sign of both Israel and Palestine. On May 17 and 18 there could be some dramatic fluctuation in the stock markets and cryptocurrencies trading as Venus and Uranus conjoin. It can also bring about a strange encounter or some chaos in relationships. However, on the last leg of Venus in Taurus, she conjuncts Jupiter, which is a wonderful thing. The two most benevolent planets come together May 21 – 23, throwing a ball worthy of royalty, and you are invited!
Ads for Mar, with him, we have to tread carefully. He will bestow you legions that can get things done for you, but you must give him a mission. Otherwise, it will burn you or cause accidents and conflicts. Watch May 17 to 19 when the God of War conjuncts the Dragon (North Node); the best image would be “Muad’Dib riding a worm.” It is a great day to meet brothers and sisters in arms from past lives and make new friends, connect to new groups, and attract beneficial collaborations. From May 27 to May 31 Mars conjunct Chiron, his teacher and healer. Old wounds could surface and be healed.
If you are in Los Angeles, I am doing an in-person workshop April 30 at 6pm in West Hollywood:
Embodying & Emotion Astrology: A Journey of Self-Discovery through the enactment of your Astrological chart
- May 1 (Venus square Pluto): The month kicks off with a troubling aspect between the goddess of love and the god of underworld, potentially leading to breakups, slandering, badmouthing, and gossip. Be careful of obsessions, possessiveness, and jealousy. A time to reexamine your passions.
- May 2 – 4 (Mars sextile Pluto): This aspect helps you turn a new page, as both rulers of Scorpio, Mars and Pluto, are well aligned. Passion is rising, and you have the feeling you could conquer the world. Magic is in the air, everything is possible.
- May 6 – 7 (Sun sextile Saturn): Both the zodiac’s father figures are well positioned to bestow help. There could be good feedback or compliments from a boss, superior or father figure.
- May 8 (New Moon in Taurus): The Moon is exalted in Taurus, making it one of the best times to start something new in connection with finances, art, design, nature, your body, or maybe revisit a talent or skill you neglected. Since Uranus and Jupiter are supporting the New Moon, there is an added blessing as well as an element of surprise. Great for technology and innovation.
- May 12 – 13 (Sun conjunct Uranus): Prepare for unexpected events, sudden transitions, a strong need for freedom, and experimenting with novel ways of expressing yourself. You are searching for your individuality. To better surf this transit, don’t be afraid to be original and outrageously innovative.
- May 13 – 14 (Venus sextile Saturn): A meeting with someone older or more mature than you could help open doors, or even open your heart. Good for long-term money-making opportunities.
- May 15 (Mercury enters Taurus until June 3): There is a tendency to worry and fuss about things you have no control over during this period. However, Mercury can help you get insights and clarity about financial issues. A good time for selling art or making your communication and business more artistic. Relying on common sense will be the best guide.
- May 17 – 19 (Sun conjunct Jupiter): These are golden days of expansion, luck, and doors that swing open. An opportune time to travel, study, teach, and connect to foreigners. Truth is exposed and a strong sense of optimism and adventures bubbles up. An overall lucky day.
- May 18 (Venus conjunct Uranus): Meeting with strange, unique, original, and quirky folks. Finances might be volatile but not necessarily bad. Good investments in startups, ecommerce, AI, or anything digital and futuristic. Your partner might act out of character.
- May 18 (Mars conjunct North Node): Destiny and leadership meet. There could be a call to action especially involving finances, your body, and art. You feel motivated and passionate and able to overcome tough obstacles. Best time to meet siblings in arms from this life and past. Action is the key word for the next few days.
- May 19 – 21 (Sun conjunct Jupiter while Jupiter sextile Neptune): Heightened intuition and empathy. A great time to commune with your dreams, subconscious, and catch glimpses from previous lives. A wonderful time for going on a date, creating art, composing music, and writing poetry. These are indeed wonderfully blessed days. Jupiter continues his sextile with Neptune until the end of the month. Go team mystic!
- May 20 (Sun enters Gemini until June 20): We are all Gemini for the next 30 days. This is the month to come up with your message and how you plan to deliver it as well as defining your target audience. An opportune time to write, conceptualize, and create new businesses, as well as focus on marketing, sales, and PR.
- May 22 – 23 (Sun trine Pluto): Power channeled in constructive ways. A great day for investments, inheritance, working with other people’s talents and money.
- May 23 (Full Moon in Sagittarius): Something in your life is coming to an end. There could be some tension between truth and lies, wanting to protect someone or something and yet also wishing to maintain authenticity. Since Jupiter and Venus are blessing the lunation, it’s a time to nurture and support your partner. Be mindful of conflict between your family and your partner. However, Pluto blesses this lunation, bringing a great deal of passion and transformation. You can receive clarity and insights concerning your relationships and family through dreams.
- May 23 (Venus enters Gemini until June 17): A great time to heal relationships with relatives, as well as roommates, and neighbors. An opportune time for business and advertising. You might feel more sociable and want to spend time with friends.
- May 25 (Venus trine Pluto): A great time for a deep couples’ therapy even if you are single. Powerful relationships come into your life. Great for reconnecting to talents and skills from previous lifetimes as well as your childhood in this lifetime.
- May 26 (Jupiter in Gemini until June 7, 2025): Traveling, learning, writing, and coming up with brilliant ideas are the gifts of this transit. Jupiter, however, is in exile, which means that his benevolence is restricted. It’s a good time to improve and develop your communication skills. Opportune year to learn a new language, as well as open a business abroad.
- May 30 – 31 (Jupiter trine Pluto): The blessings of Pluto continue. This aspect is great for teaching, investigation, connecting to intense passion, therapy, and healing. A teacher can offer a lesson of rebirth and profound transformation.
- May 31 (Mercury conjunct Uranus): An aspect of brilliance. Write all your ideas, you might not be able to manifest them now, but you could later. This aspect favors technology, science, and innovations.