October High-Lights: The Astrology of the Month Ahead

Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash

Home is behind, the world ahead

J.R.R. Tolkien

The next week boasts a great deal of interesting astrological events. The first is the equinox that falls on Sep 22/23 of September, when the night and day are equal. It is also the first day of Libra, and if you are a fan of the Lord of the Rings, it is Bilbo and Frodo’s birthday, which is the International Hobbit Day, and the inciting incident of the trilogy of Lord of the Ring (Bilbo’s birthday when he disappears, remember?). It is not a random decision. Tolkien knew very well what he was doing. On Friday, Sep 23rd 9am PST I will be doing a live Insta on the equinox with a meditation: https://www.instagram.com/cosmic_navigator/

Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year is traditionally celebrated on the first New Moon after the Fall Equinox of Sep, which this year takes place on Sep 25/26. The New Moon in Libra is symbolized by the Tarot Cards, “Two of Swords,” and is also known as simply “Peace.” No matter if you celebrate the New Year or not, the New Moon in Libra is a day for peace, meditation, and an auspicious time to make spiritual decisions and practicing balance. In addition, according to Jewish belief, Rosh Hashanah is the day when Adam and Eve were created. Being the primordial couple, Adam and Eve in their capacity as our mythological parents, means that we are all double Libras! On the next Sunday Cosmic Navigator Show I will be looking into the chart of humanity according to their Rosh Hashanah birthday, right on the New Moon on Sunday, 9amPST. I will also do a Shofar demonstration so you can get to hear the ram’s horn blasting open the skies…  

Between October 1 – 8 I will be in New York, please email me if you want to book an astrology reading or a past lifetime regression. In addition, I’m doing a free lecture on the astrology of 2023 along with a book signing of my new book: The Astrology of 2023 – Traversing the Bridge in Brooklyn, Thursday, October 6 at 7pm. It will take place at the Lion’s Milk. 104 Roebling Street, Brooklyn, NY, 11211. Please spread the word, the event is free, and you can get your signed book and enjoy some drinks at the café/bar.   

Please join me on a transformative weekend on astrology at Omega Institute between Oct 14 – 16. In the weekend we learn how to read our astrology chart with a glimpse at the astrology of the year ahead. Laura Day will make an appearance and give us some intuitive tools to help navigate the year ahead. In addition, participants will receive the Kabbalistic the red string I brought with me from Israel. A perfect pre-Halloween activity right after the Mercury Retrograde. And if you haven’t been to Omega, October is the most magical time with the trees wearing their orange and red garments.

Oct 1 and 2 (Mercury stationary)

Things aren’t moving much and there is a feeling of stagnation. This is the worst time of the retrograde so take heed. A perfect day for meditation, finding inner peace, doing things that you would like to stay the same or stable for a long time.

Oct 1 (Jupiter opposite Venus)

Overdoing and trying too hard with your partnerships or people you fancy. There is an excessiveness and immoderation in the air. Vanity, issues in relationships, overtrying to please your partners or significant others.    

Oct 3 (Mercury goes direct in Virgo)

A powerful boost forward in all aspects of life, especially work and health. Since Sep 9 Mercury has been retrograde and now, at last, things can start moving along. Mercury in Virgo is exalted giving him all the divine power he needs to thrust us forward. If you can, wait until 17 of October if you have super important launches since until then Mercury will be in his shadow.   

Oct 4 (Saturn squares Uranus)

2021 boasted three of these tough squares (in February, June and December) and in Oct the planets come very close to forming another square. You might have to deal with issues that were carried from 2021. There is conflict between the conservatives and liberals, old and the young, baby boomers and GenZ. The square peaks middle of October.

Oct 9 (Full Moon in Aries while Venus is conjunct the Sun)

Your family might have an issue with your partner or vice versa. A long-term project is completed. A good time for reflection. People from your past might reenter into your life. There is a heavily artistic bend to this Full Moon.  

Oct 10 (Mercury enters Libra)

For the next three weeks, balance is restored. This is a good time for creating harmonious relationships and diplomacy, mediation, and justice. Art and communication blend together. Easy rapport with friends and primary relationships.

Oct 10 (Pluto goes direct)

Better flow for investments and your intimate relationships. This can help with economies around the world. Pluto going direct can also be beneficial for the energy crisis. On a personal level, you can reconnect to your passion and intimacy.

Oct 12 (Sun trines Saturn)

A great day to engage in long-term projects. Success comes from hard work, discipline, and persistence. Maturity, responsibility, and success earned after hard work. Today at 6:30pmET (available in a recording) I am doing the webinar on Numerology – The Mystery and Mastery of Numbers.  Come join me, Oct 14 – 16 at Omega Institute: a weekend of magic and astrology. Learn to Read your Chart.

Oct 15 (Venus squares Black Moon)

Be careful with your primary relationships and or with fans, clients, coworkers. This is a hard aspect financially and can also create a lot of drama with people around you. Someone might be trying to spread lies about you or someone you love.

Oct 23 (Venus moves into Scorpio)

This is a very sexy Venus, but she can also make us somewhat possessive, jealous, and insecure. Good for working with and managing other people’s money and talents. Intimacy and passion are in the air, meeting with people that can transform your life.  Today I am doing my Time Travel Meditation – Finding your Passion and Power webinar. Recording available.  

Oct 23 – 24 (Saturn goes direct)

Long-term projects are starting to show results. Saturn was retrograde for close to 5 months and now can open the doors in your career for success and recognition.  

Oct 25 (New Moon in Scorpio Eclipse)

A new beginning that relates to joint financial affairs as well as an artistic collaboration. Good for investments and improving finances, especially in a partnership setting. A new sexual or intimate relationship might come into your life. A very shamanistic New Moon. A great time for healing and finding your healing abilities. We are entering the eclipse season (next one Nov 8). The next two weeks, everything is moving much faster. There could be last minute revelation, scandals, and emotional as well as political storms. 

Oct 28 (Jupiter leaves Aries and returns to Pisces for two months)

Renewed interest in mysticism and imagination. The last leg of Jupiter in his sign Pisces. Jupiter was in Pisces Dec 2021 – May 2022, therefore projects or events from that period might return or manifest. Jupiter can put you in contact with dance, movement, increased intuition, dream work, photography, yoga, poetry, meditation, and any other mystical experience.

Oct 29 (Mercury enters Scorpio)

Right before Halloween, Mercury helps us communicate with ancestors, the dead, and the afterlife. Magic is in the air: there is interest in the occult and investigations. Mercury was known for delivering the dead across into the afterlife and back to life. While he is in Scorpio, you too can connect to the world beyond.

Oct 30 and 31 (Mars stationary)

Be extra careful, Mars is stuck. The police don’t answer calls. There may be security issues. Conflict and war are in the air. Be careful of injuries and unnecessary conflict.

Oct 31, 2022 – Jan 13, 2023 (Mars retrogrades in Gemini)

Right on Halloween, the Celtic New Year, the ruler of Scorpio, Mars is going retro. If possible, avoid elective surgeries, watch your movements, actions, and aggression levels. Be careful handling sharp objects or weapons. Your actions might be terribly misunderstood. Some might feel lethargic, while others are restless. Intellectual wars, online trolling, slander, and gossip abound.  

Have a great month!


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Gahl Sasson makes Kabbalah, astrology and psychology engaging, illuminating, and fun. The way he sees Kabbalah is accessible to anyone from any faith and background.



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